New Church Coming to Clarksville TN

Learn more about the mission God has given us.

Hi, We are new around here!

The Stone Christian Church is in the process of coming to Clarksville, Tennessee. We are here to proclaim some GOOD NEWS!

The GOOD NEWS (the Gospel) is that Jesus is King. The more you know Him, the better that news sounds! We are here to tell people the good news, and call them (including you!) to respond to it!

The Vision

God has drawn our hearts to the many people moving into Clarksville and the large amount of people who don't know Jesus.

The Stone exists to connect those people, and all people, with solid truths in a shifting world.

We will start by putting a stone in Clarksville's shoe. If that phrase sounds odd to you, it was popularized by author Greg Koukl. It means to give someone something they can't help but think about. Even a small stone wedged in your shoe gets your attention quickly, you feel it with every step and eventually you have to take off your shoe and examine it.

Our plan is to grow into a missional church, with The Stone becoming very much like the stone Samuel set up as a reminder of God's goodness. 

1 Samuel 7:12 “Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” (nasb 95)

"Ebenezer" means stone of help. Everyone who saw that Stone would be reminded who God is, and what He has done. May we too, point others to who God is and what He has done.

What Kind of Church Will We Be?

We will eventually launch Sunday morning services and pursue our own building, however before that, we will start with small groups. We know Church isn't a time or place, but a community of people on a shared mission. We sum up this mission with three words: Seek Shape Send.

Here are few things to know about us.

*We model our structure after the early church, meeting weekly, spending time together, singing to God, and learning applicable truths from the Bible.

*We actively serve in the community through service projects, and intentionally bless those who serve others: school staff, police, firefighters, and medical workers.

*We want to speak in a way the culture can understand and respond to.

*We aren't a denominational church, and look past non-essential denominational dividers that are not salvation issues. We strive to restore the values of the early church, uniting around the essentials and our mission. With folks from all denominational backgrounds among us, we find the Restoration Church slogan very helpful.

There is more to know about us, and we invite you to dig in by clicking one of the links below. If you have any questions or just want to get acquainted, reach out to Sam Sears, our pastor,